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Kumkumadi Brightening & Radiant Face Serum 30ml

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Heaven Waves Kumkumadi face serum helps to enhance the complexion and promote a radiant glow. Kumkumadi helps to even out the skin tone, reduce pigmentation, and give the skin a natural brightening effect. Heaven waves kumkumadi face serum helps to get more youthful and radiant complexion. It is also effective in reducing the appearance of blemishes, acne scars, and dark spots.

  1. Turmeric:
    • Brightening: Turmeric contains curcumin, which can help brighten the skin and even out skin tone.
    • Anti-Inflammatory: It has anti-inflammatory properties that can soothe irritated skin.
    • Antioxidant: Turmeric is rich in antioxidants, which can protect the skin from free radical damage.
  2. Licorice:
    • Skin Lightening: Licorice extract can help fade dark spots and hyperpigmentation, promoting a more even complexion.
    • Anti-Inflammatory: It can reduce redness and inflammation in the skin.
  3. Aloe Vera:
    • Hydration: Aloe vera is a natural moisturizer that keeps the skin hydrated.
    • Soothing: It has soothing properties that can calm irritated or sensitive skin.
  4. Green Tea:
    • Antioxidant: Green tea is rich in antioxidants, which can protect the skin from environmental damage and signs of aging.
    • Anti-Inflammatory: It can reduce inflammation and redness.
  5. Kumkumadi (Saffron) Extract:
    • Complexion Enhancement: Kumkumadi is known for its ability to enhance the complexion, making the skin look radiant.
    • Anti-Aging: It may help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
  6. Sesame Oil:
    • Moisturizing: Sesame oil is a natural emollient that helps to keep the skin moisturized.
    • Nutrient-Rich: It provides essential nutrients to the skin, such as vitamin E and fatty acids.
  7. Vitamin E:
    • Antioxidant: Vitamin E is a potent antioxidant that protects the skin from oxidative stress and helps maintain its youthful appearance.
    • Healing: It can promote skin healing and reduce the visibility of scars and blemishes.



Step 1: Cleanse your face with a gentle cleanser
Step 2: Apply a small amount of the serum onto your fingertips.
Step 3: Gently massage the serum onto your face and neck in circular motions, avoiding the eye area.

Weight 0.03 kg
Dimensions 5 × 5 × 7 cm


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